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HM Land Registry Digital Applications Showcase, 28th April 2022, 10am-12noon

9th April 2022

HM Land Registry Digital Applications Showcase, 28th April 2022, 10am-12noon

Since HMLR announced that from November 2022 they will no longer accept scanned copies or uploaded PDF applications to change the register, so began a trickle of customers looking for digital solutions in anticipation of this.

The momentum is expected to increase as we move closer to the end date and HMLR urge customers not to leave it too late. For this reason, HMLR is hosting a “Digital Applications Showcase” on the morning of 28th April 2022 to introduce customers to the HMLR approved solutions on offer. This a free event.

As a customer of HMLR you will have the opportunity to hear more about submissions via HM Land Registry’s portal, the Digital Registration Service, as well as options from third party software providers. On 28th April, you will be able to select three of these solutions and to hear first hand from the provider what they offer and how they believe their solution can benefit you.

FormEvo’s eAP1 solution will be one of those exhibiting and presenting and we’d be delighted to “meet” you virtually on the day in one of your three chosen supplier sessions.


10am     Opening Address by HM Land Registry, then customers can choose to attend up to three presentation/demo sessions

10:15 Supplier Session 1

10:45 Supplier Session 2

11:15 Supplier Session 3

11:45     HMLR summary and event close

How are we unique?

eAP1.co.uk from FormEvo is the only cloud-based legal forms solution in the UK that is independent from case/practice management and search providers but is easily integrated with their solutions.

The eAP1 is instantly recognisable, mirroring the paper AP1. Easy to use and flexible, it helps you complete forms faster. The form is automatically populated from data stored in your systems – or by recycling transaction data from your SDLT/LTT submissions, being the pre-requisite to an AP1. Auto population of the land address and sellers name, auto-calculation of fees, validation of data – create fewer requisitions - all with an HMLR electronic submission.

To register for this virtual event, go here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ready-to-switch-digital-ap1s-know-your-options-tickets-302848737727

Call us on 0330 551 9341 for further details or sign up now.

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