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Scottish Limited Partnerships New forms – July 2017

18th July 2017

On 26 June 2017 changes were made to UK anti-money laundering measures to help prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. The change increases the transparency of who owns and controls companies in the UK. This legislation made changes to current requirements about people with significant control (PSC) information.

As part of the new legislation, Companies House has introduced a new range of Company forms for use by Scottish Limited Partnerships from 24 July 2017.

From 26 June active Scottish Limited Partnerships (SLP) must identify their PSC and from 24 July send this information to Companies House within 14 days. Any further PSC changes must be sent to Companies House within 14 days of the change. From 24 July, PSC information must be given when registering a new Scottish Limited Partnership.

Every year, SLPs must confirm the PSC details are correct.

New forms are:-

  • SLP PSC01 - Notice of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC02 - Notice of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC03 - Notice of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC04 - Change of details of individual person with significant control (PSC) of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC05 - Change of details of relevant legal entity (RLE) with significant control of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC06 - Change of details of other registrable person (ORP) with significant control of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC07 - Notice of ceasing to be an individual person with significant control (PSC), relevant legal entity (RLE), or other registrable person (ORP) of a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC08 - Notification of PSC statements for a Scottish limited partnership (LP)
  • SLP PSC09 - Update to PSC statements for a Scottish limited partnership (LP)

Guidance for companies, limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and eligible Scottish partnerships on the register of people with significant control (PSC) requirements can be found here.

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